Set Significant but Achievable Goals

one of the principle of quality by Deming was  "set significant but achievable Goals", going through the Deming's philosophy i was not able to understand this particular point but few days back I happened to pass through this particular situation when the standard was significant but it was achievable, In that situation I was thinking that I may not be able to attain this particular goal as I am not capable enough to achieve this standard. 

In a nutshell after spending a huge time in pondering, finally I started preparing myself to achieve the settled standard.
The day comes and the result was positive, though I was not able to achieve in a much high ratio but to some extent I got it. The satisfaction I get after this achievement was much higher and I decided myself to gear up for the next one which will be relatively difficult.  

Lesson which I learnt from this was that Deming philosophy was quite right, you must have a set of standard in your life and it should not be easy enough that every one without struggling can achieve it, it should be like that you made struggle and than the achievement chances must also be there.  This thing will definitely help you in your life. 


  1. You are totally right, we have to pay a lot of attention if our goals are achievable or not.

    "Thoughts of a Career Woman"


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