A Perceptional Mistake Regarding Glass Ceiling

What do you think that what is glass ceiling, most of people will reply that glass ceiling is the term which tends to define that discriminatory practices that have prevented women from advancing at the top most level of the organization (top level management). I don't know what you people really know about that but to be very frank what I learnt about the concept of glass ceiling in my HR class was somehow same. with the passage of time I come to know that the concept of glass ceiling is not limited up to the women but it has many fold.

The discussion about the women only is the concept of gender discrimination which I have already discusses in my post, It is more elaborative and specific concept and also come under one type of discrimination in which a group of minority rather it is gender, cast, racial or ethnic issue causes the glass ceiling in HRM term. Thats what briefly I want to share with you, in my later posts i will define how to break the glass ceiling. 


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