Strategic Human Resource Planning

In early age of industrialization, human resource or personnel management department was there for just performing the function of record keeping. Than with the passage of time when industrialization got its strong roots management started taking the human resource department as an investment rather then an expense for the organization. Record keeping was just one aspect of the human resource management, beside there were a lot of other functions attached with the human resource department just discovered and their implementation was a big trouble. Learning and knowledge management nature of human being make them learnt to use these functions and finally in the past two decade organizations started the human resource department strategically. Now, in multinational organization HR department work with the other organization functions (marketing, finance, accounting, IT and compliance) to achieve the organization goals. It is no more alienated than other organization functions.

In strategic human resource management decisions are taken on the basis of long term basis to achieve the organization goals. Organization is made of organized set of activities and having three major components i.e. People, structure and objectives/goals. The harmonization or alignment should be there in this triangle to achieve the organization strategic goals. In this triangle at top are the organization objectives while rest of two corners consists of structure and people. People are managed by the HR department while the structure is managed by the Management. So, in order to achieve the objectives of the organization the coordination must be there which will support to achieve the organization objectives strategically. If in any case, the organization fail to achieve this coordination than the result will lack of achievement of its objectives.


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