Multitasking: Is it Good or Bad?

How many of you have tried to get multiple tasks done all at once?

How many of you have succeeded in completing them properly till the end?

How many times have you succeeded in completing tasks altogether?

Multitasking simply means to have a lot of tasks done at the same time in the wrong order – without prioritizing them. It’s the worrisome situation where you have six things to complete immediately. You go back and forth, checking every task and instead of fully completing one of them, you end up having all of them undone.

This panicky attitude gets you nowhere. You lose your focus and even make errors along the way because you’re not focusing in getting things done the right way.

So, you’re sitting at your desk worried with your mind swirling around, still wondering: how in the world will you ever get all of the tasks done at once you will get them all done at once. That’s when you will sound like Helena Bonham Carter who says, “Multitasking? I can’t do two things at once. I can’t even do one thing at once.”

The good news is; you CAN multitask. The bad news is; you will only be able to do it once or twice a time with a lot of blunders. You also lose your focus because while you’re finishing your first task, you’re in a hurry to hop towards the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth. So in between you make mistakes and very silly ones.

This does not only harm your work but it also affects your brain because it gets stressed when you multitask. William Stixurd, a Ph.D Neuropsychologist says, “The brain is a lot like a computer. You may have several screens open on your desktop, but you’re able to think about only one at a time.”

Here’s the best way to handle multitasking: make a quick decision and prioritize. If you have three tasks placed on your desk and you have three more coming in, you’re going to have to decide quickly which one to do first according to the time it will consume. It’s better to have three things done in an hour in order, rather than having five things sitting on your desk with you biting your nails.

So, from now onwards learn to prioritize and decide quickly.

By- Hiba Naz


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