How Effective Is Your Training System?

The importance of the effective training management system as today’s world is more dynamic and challenging in nature so, training of employees is one of the biggest issue. Those traditional organizations who don’t follow the modern trends in training like record keeping, record activity and expenditure fail to survive. In most of such organization trainee don’t took the training as a serious practices. They just took it as a formality and fail to get its required result from it.
After realizing the importance of the Training in human resource development practitioner, she presents an effective model for the training which she called the Training Management maturity model. This model gives a structure and road map for the organization to build their training management system. This model not only deals with the in-house trainers but also beneficial for the outside organizations. This model consists of four basic levels which are visibility, Standards, Planning, and Performance. All these levels are found in hierarchy and move from lower order to upward respectively.
In visibility stage the organization concentrate on the basic administrative processes which are usually in practice. In this stage we come to know who is trained in what; what type of training he required and finally the cost involve in this procedure of training. After completing this stage, we move further in which we analyze the skill gap before beginning the training. After analyzing the skill gap, we planned for the training in which we focuses more on the achieving of strategic goals rather than expenditures incur due to training. After that we put the training in practice and analyze the performance of the individuals and check rather the training has its effect before and after results are measured in this process. More practically speaking, this maturity model focuses on the organization primary objectives and creating an alignment between the key practices and the key performance indicators of the organization based on the objectives.
At basic level (visibility) of the organization first of all there is a need to develop the administrative and reporting processes used to describe the finding of the training. Secondly it fulfills the objective of providing accurate findings of the training. Record keeping and the expenditure reporting has also been made in this stage. The key practices which commonly use at this level are training registration, procedures and followed. Training participants also get participated in it by survey. Percentage of training records accuracy indicates its performance. At second level (Standards) are established which are usually real and measureable. Same in planning level integration with organization process has been made. At final level the performance management has been made which is a continuous process and measureable indicators have been used. In a net shell this model provides an effective planning and reporting system of training. It focuses more on the measureable objectives rather than focusing on the activities and the inputs. It gives the practitioner the flexibility to mold this model according to the customize needs of the organization.
This system makes it easier for employers to train and orient employees in such a fast and easy way. It helps a lot of company save time and effort.